The benefits of mediation in a commercial dispute
Lawyers are often stereotyped as being interested in prolonging a Court action to make them more expensive. However more often the opposite is true. Lawyers know that Court cases are expensive and that clients are fearful that legal costs could escalate to an...
We’re still friends, why do we need a ‘legal’ property settlement?
Many couples separate on good terms, which is great. The breakdown of a relationship can be difficult, however putting differences aside to move forward can be beneficial, particularly where children are concerned. Ex-partners who remain on good terms may choose to...
No more paper title deeds – what you need to know about e-conveyancing
Settlements used to require lawyers and banks to meet up to check and swap documents and bank cheques. The documents had to then be lodged with the Land Registry Office and government authorities had to be notified about the transaction. The recently introduced...